Refugee Simulation

            This simulation was the most powerful way to educate those on the crisis for many of those around the world who are refugees. It was a very unique way to show people what actually happens to some refugees globally. It obviously wasn’t exactly like what would happen in Syria for example but the realism and individual profiles they gave everyone made a serious topic very fun and I believe left a greater impact on the youths in our school then a lecture in a class. It was great that a fellow student organized it and that we had such a good turn out. Unfortunately I had to leave after the walking portion of the simulation but after talking with various friends who fully participated they all enjoyed it and said that it was great and a learning experience. They had people dressed as bandits who would steal your water and food and there was also a land mine that explode that added to the experience and since everyone went along with the rules and stayed in character it just added to simulation as a whole. Near the end the police came because the simulation looked to realistic to the wildwood community and our teacher had to explain the situation which was interesting. I highly recommend that other schools use this method to educate their students on this matter and even if you’re not a student you attend one of these functions.

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