Utopian City Project

In our Global Issues class we had been given the assignment of creating a sustainable city. Our city could be made out of whatever we want and could contain whatever we wanted as long as we remained within the boundaries given to us which was approximately the size of a large piece of cardboard paper. When creating my city I took into account some of the areas of inquiry that were often referred to throughout the year. Specifically Environment, Health, Poverty, Wealth and Power as I believe that a good sustainable city needed to have the positive concepts of the topics listed abovePechaKucha 20x20 (1)

The city’s design base was circular so every thing could be near to each other and also made sure that everyone was surrounded by some sort of green or blue space. There were also farms on the outskirts of the city. My city also had two hospitals that were near residential and business areas so that if there were any incidents, there would be a quick response on both sides of the city.  These hospitals were on the east and west sides of time but still close enough to areas in the north and south. In the centre of the city is our city hall and then to the north and south of the hall are two schools. All the roofs in my city were solar panels and there were multiple windmills around the city also. In addition there were hydro dams used to create more energy.

city design

When considering the speakers we have had during the year a certain concept was brought to light when talking about sustainability. Now to related my city to that topic was quite difficult but essentially for a whole city to be sustainable nobody can be poor, everyone must be healthy, everyone would be given the same opportunities, there can be no disputes in power, and obviously your city must run on a reusable energy that does not affect the environment. I planned my city with this thought process and it was difficult to visualize but for the end product I think I achieved a sustainable city. Now also in the year I read the book Brave New World and also studied the novel Animal Farm.  My city also addresses the main topic of Brave New World and also avoided the issue of animal farm. Brave New World created a perfect world but with lack of freedom while Animal Farm an imperfect world with freedom. My city’s concept is that “perfect” world with a reasonable amount of freedom as everyone in the city would be given the same opportunities.

In the link bellow is a video of an explanation of my city.

Utopian City Explanation



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